Additional information
| Message | Cause | Action |
| |||
CHECK USB | The USB connec- | Check that the | |
| tor or USB cable | USB connector or |
| has short- | USB cable is not |
| circuited. | caught in some- |
| thing or damaged. |
| |
CHECK USB | The connected | Disconnect the | |
| USB storage de- | USB storage de- |
| vice consumes | vice and do not |
| more than maxi- | use it. Turn the |
| mum allowable | ignition switch to |
| current. | OFF, then to ACC |
| or ON and then |
| connect only com- |
| pliant USB storage |
| devices. |
| |
CHECK USB | The iPod oper- | Make sure the con- | |
| ates correctly but | nection cable for |
| does not charge. | the iPod has not |
| shorted out (e.g., |
| not caught in |
| metal objects). |
| After checking, |
| turn the ignition |
| switch OFF and |
| back ON, or dis- |
| connect the iPod |
| and reconnect. |
| |
Communication | Perform one of the | ||
| failed. | following opera- |
| tions. |
| |
| switch OFF and |
| back ON. |
| |
| eject the external |
| storage device. |
| |
| ferent source. |
| Then, return to the |
| USB or SD source. |
| iPod failure. | Disconnect the |
| cable from the |
| iPod. Once the |
| iPod’s main menu |
| is displayed, recon- |
| nect the iPod and |
| reset it. |
| |
USB storage de- | USB storage de- | ||
| vice was not for- | vice should be for- |
| matted with | matted with FAT12, |
| FAT12, FAT16 or | FAT16 or FAT32. |
| FAT32. |
| Message | Cause | Action |
| |||
| The iPod firm- | Update the iPod | ||
| ware version is | version. |
| old. |
| iPod failure. | Disconnect the |
| cable from the |
| iPod. Once the |
| iPod’s main menu |
| is displayed, recon- |
| nect the iPod and |
| reset it. |
| ||
STOP | There are no | Select a list that | ||
| songs in the cur- | contains songs. |
| rent list. |
| ||
Not found | No related | Transfer songs to | ||
| songs. | the iPod. |
Bluetooth device
| Message | Cause | Action |
| |||
The power failed | Turn the ignition | ||
| for the Bluetooth | switch OFF and |
| module of this | then to ACC or ON. |
| unit. | If the error mes- |
| sage is still dis- |
| played after |
| performing the |
| above action, |
| please contact |
| your dealer or an |
| authorized Pioneer |
| Service Station. |
| Message | Cause | Action |
| |||
No BT device. | No Bluetooth de- | Follow the instruc- | |
Go to BT | vice found. | tions that appear | |
MENU to reg- |
| on the screen. | |
ister. |
| |
| |
BT error.Press | Bluetooth con- | Follow the instruc- | |
BAND key to | nection failed. | tions that appear | |
retry. |
| on the screen. | |
| |
Check your | Connection to | Follow the instruc- | |
App.Press | the application | tions that appear | |
BAND key to | failed. | on the screen. | |
retry. |
| |
| |
Start up and | The application | Follow the instruc- | |
play your Ap- | has not started | tions that appear | |
plication. | running yet. | on the screen. | |
34 En