Additional Information
| Message | Cause | Action |
| |||
SKIPPED | The connected | Play an audio file | |
| USB storage de- | not embedded with |
| vice contains | Windows Media |
| WMA files em- | DRM 9/10. |
| bedded with |
| Windows Med- |
| iaä DRM 9/10 |
| |
PROTECT | All the files in the | Transfer audio files | |
| USB storage de- | not embedded with |
| vice are em- | Windows Media |
| bedded with | DRM 9/10 to the |
| Windows Media | USB storage de- |
| DRM 9/10 | vice and connect. |
| |
N/A USB | The connected | Connect a USB | |
| USB storage de- | Mass Storage |
| vice is not sup- | Class compliant |
| ported by this | device. |
| unit. |
| |
CHECK USB | The USB connec- | Check that the | |
| tor or USB cable | USB connector or |
| has short- | USB cable is not |
| circuited. | caught in some- |
| thing or damaged. |
| The connected | Disconnect the |
| USB storage de- | USB storage de- |
| vice consumes | vice and do not |
| more than 500 | use it. Turn the |
| mA (maximum | ignition switch to |
| allowable cur- | OFF, then to ACC |
| rent). | or ON and then |
| connect only com- |
| pliant USB storage |
| devices. |
| |
Not compatible | Disconnect your | ||
| USB device | device and replace |
| it with a compati- |
| ble USB storage |
| device. |
| |
Communication | Perform one of the | ||
| failed. | following opera- |
| tions. |
| |
| switch OFF and |
| back ON. |
| |
| USB storage de- |
| vice. |
| |
| ferent source. |
| Then, return to the |
| USB source. |
| English |
| Message | vice is not for- | vice should be for- | |
| Cause | Action |
| |
| USB storage de- | USB storage de- |
| ||
| matted with | matted with FAT16 |
| FAT16 or FAT32 | or FAT32. |
Handling guideline
Discs and player
Use only discs featuring either of following two logos.
Use only conventional, fully circular discs. Do not use shaped discs.
Do not insert anything other than a CD into the CD loading slot.
Do not use cracked, chipped, warped, or otherwise damaged discs as they may damage the player.
Do not touch the recorded surface of the discs.
Store discs in their cases when not in use.
Avoid leaving discs in excessively hot environments including under direct sunlight.
Do not attach labels, write on or apply chemicals to the surface of the discs.
To clean a CD, wipe the disc with a soft cloth outward from the center.
Condensation may temporarily impair the player’s performance. Leave it to adjust to the warmer temperature for about one hour. Also, wipe any damp discs with a soft cloth.
En 17