Additional Information
| Message | Cause | Action |
| |||
Video frame | The external sto- | Replace the exter- | |
rate not sup- | rage device’s | nal storage device. | |
ported | frame rate is |
| |
| more than 30 fps. |
| |
Audio Format | This type of file is | Select a file that | |
not supported | not supported on | can be played. | |
| this unit. |
| |
Unplayable | This type of file | Select a file that | |
File | cannot be played | can be played. | |
| on this unit. |
| Message | Cause | Action |
| |||
No Device | USB storage de- | Connect a compa- | |
| vice or iPod is | tible iPod. |
| not connected. |
| |
Incompatible | Disconnect your | ||
USB | iPod | device and replace | |
| it with a compati- |
| ble iPod. |
| |
Check USB | The iPod oper- | Make sure the con- | |
| ates correctly but | nection cable for |
| does not charge | the iPod has not |
| shorted out (e.g., |
| not caught in |
| metal objects). |
| After checking, |
| turn the ignition |
| switch OFF and |
| back ON or discon- |
| nect the iPod and |
| reconnect. |
| |
Format Read/ | Sometimes there | Wait until the mes- | |
Ready | is a delay be- | sage disappears | |
| tween the start of | and you hear |
| playback and | sound. |
| when you start to |
| hear any sound. |
| Message | Cause | Action |
| |||
| Disconnect the | |||
failed. | cable from the | |||
| iPod. Once the |
| iPod's main menu |
| is displayed, recon- |
| nect the iPod and |
| reset it. |
| iPod failure | Disconnect the |
| cable from the |
| iPod. Once the |
| iPod's main menu |
| is displayed, recon- |
| nect the iPod and |
| reset it. |
| ||
The iPod firm- | Update the iPod | |||
| ware versions are | version. |
| old. |
| ||
Stop | There are no | Transfer songs to | ||
| songs. | the iPod. |
| There are no | Select a list that |
| songs in the cur- | contains songs. |
| rent list. |
| ||
No xxxx | There is no infor- | Record information | ||
| mation. | on the iPod. |
iTunes tagging
| Message | Cause | Action |
| |||
iPod full. Tags | Memory used for | Sync the iPod with | |
not trans- | tag information | iTunes and clean | |
ferred. | on the iPod is | up the tagged play- | |
| full. | list. |
| |
Memory full. | This unit’s flash | Connect the iPod | |
Tags not | memory used as | to this unit and | |
stored. | the temporary | transfer this unit’s | |
| storage area is | tag information to |
| full. | the iPod. |
| |
Tag transfer | This unit’s tag in- | Check the iPod | |
failed. Recon- | formation cannot | and try again. | |
nect your | transfer to the |
| |
iPod. | iPod. |
| |
| |
Tag store | Tag information | Try again. | |
failed. | cannot be stored |
| |
| in this unit. |
| |
SD source can- | Tag information | Wait until tag | |
not be se- | is being trans- | transfer is com- | |
lected during | ferred to the | plete. | |
tag transfer. | iPod. |
| |
En 47