Glossary of Terms
IP Internet Protocol. A specification for packets, or datagrams, of data and an
addressing method to allow the exchange of data with another system. Must be
combined with another protocol such as TCP to create a complete connection
with the other system.
LAN Local Area Network.
LED Light emitting diode.
line pitch The vertical spacing of rows of characters. Measured in lpi.
lpi Lines per inch.
margin An area along any edge of a form where data may not be printed.
MSB Most significant bit. In a character, this refers to bit seven (of 0 to 7).
node Any device connected to a network.
parity A method used for detecting errors within a single character transmitted or
received via an interface.
Peer-to-Peer A network consisting of only stations (no access point or central server). Same
as Ad-Hoc.
reset Initialization of various operating parameters of the printer to the valu e or state
assumed when the printer is powered on.
RS-232C An EIA standard for serial data transmission.
server Any node on a network that provides services to another node (client).
SSID Service Set IDentifier. An identifier attached to packets on a Wi-Fi network
that identify the particular network the packets are intended for.
TCP Transmission Control Protocol. A specification that controls the connection
between systems on a network.
WAN Wide Area Network. Refers to connections that allow one LAN to
communicate with another LAN(s).
WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy. A security protocol for wireless LANs designed to
provide data security similar a wired LAN.
Wi-Fi Refers to any of the IEEE 802.11 standards.
WLAN Wireless Local Area Network. A LAN made up of wireless nodes.