100 Volt, two-zone example:
The illustration to the right shows a typical
two-zone 100 volt system. When using 100
volt speaker loads, make sure that connec-
tions to the amplifier are made to the 100 volt
output terminals.
If using the ISA 300T, 300 watts per channel
(zone) can be delivered. Make sure that the
total speaker power load on each channel
does not exceed 300 watts.
If using the ISA 500T or ISA 800T, the per-
channel power limit is 550 and 800 watts,
Bridge Mode Using Hi-Z Outputs-
Bridging of the Hi-Z outputs is possible with the “T” models; see page number 22.
70 Volt, two-zone example:
The illustration to the right shows a typical
two-zone 70 volt system. When using 70 volt
speaker loads, make sure that connections to
the amplifier are made to the 70 volt output
If using the ISA 300T, 300 watts per channel
(zone) can be delivered. Make sure that the
total speaker power load on each channel
does not exceed 300 watts.
If using the ISA 500T or ISA 800T, the per-
channel power limit is 550 and 800 watts,
Do not touch output terminals while amplifier power is on. Make all connections
with amplifier turned off. Risk of hazardous energy!
Class 2 wiring may be used. For bridged mono and 100V distributed outputs,
class 1 wiring must be used.