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PRO-89 200 Channel
Handheld Race Scanner
Two-SecondScan /Search Delay — Delays
scanningfor 2 se conds before moving to
anothercha nnel, so you can hear more
FiveService Banks — Sea rchp reset
frequenciesin separate fir e/police, air, ham
radio,autorace, and marine banks, to make
iteasy to locate specific ty pes ofc alls.
20Monitor Memo ries — Temporarily
saveup to 20 frequencies located
duringa searc h, so you can move
selectedfrequ encies to channel
storagelate r.
TenChannel-Storage Banks — Sto re up
to20 channels in each of 10 differ ent
banks,to grou p channels so you can
moreeasily ide ntify calls.
Ifan icon appears at the end of a par agraph, go to the box on that page
withthe corres ponding icon for pertinent information.
o —Warning !—Important —Caution
Ó—Hint Ô—Note
MemoryBacku p —K eeps the channel
frequenciesstoredin memoryfor about
1hour during a po wer loss.
TripleConversion Superheterodyne
Receiver— Eliminatesinterf erence
fromintermed iate frequency (IF)
images,so you hear o nly the frequency
HyperSearchandHyperS can—Set
thescanner to search at up to50 steps
persecond and sc an at up to 25
channelsper second, to quicklyfind
interesting transmissions.
DuplicateFr equency Check — Automatically notifies you if you are
aboutto store a frequ ency you have already stored, to help avoid
wastingstora ge space.
DirectSearch — Searchfor new a nd unlisted frequencies starting
froma specified frequency.