hen attaching speaker wire to the terminals, we suggest removing the black and red plastic protective inserts. To do this, loosen the binder from the post by twisting
from the post. Remove the plastic inserts by pulling straight out, then replace the binder to the post and twist clockwise. A hole is provided in the post to allow for speaker wire to slide into, then the binder is tightened until the wire is secure. Remember to strip the insulation from the wire prior to inserting into the post.
In order to extract the best possible sound from your speaker system, it is important to determine where the speakers will sound best in your listening room. Room reflections from the floor, ceiling and side walls influence the balance, imaging and overall sonic quality at the listening position. We suggest that you experiment with speaker placement to determine which location offers the best overall sound. The diagram on page 5 should be used as a general guide when setting up a home theater system and follows the descriptions in the following paragraphs. Some speakers shown in the diagram will not always be applicable to your individual system.
The model