Safety Precautions
4. NEVER drive fasteners into thin or
easily penetrated materials unless
it is backed by concrete or steel.
When in doubt, such as when base
material is concealed, conduct a
Center Punch Test. Check continu-
ally to avoid fastening into unsuit-
able material, especially in older
5. DO NOT fasten thru or within 13mm
(1/2”) of predrilled or pre-punched
6. DO NOT drive fasteners into con-
crete less than three times as thick
as the intended fastener penetra-
tion, within 76mm (3”) of the edge,
within 76mm (3”) of another fas-
tener or within 76mm (3”) of a failed
7. DO NOT drive fasteners into steel
base material less then 5mm
(3/16”) thick, within 51mm (2”) of a
weld, within 13mm (1/2”) of the
edge or within 25mm (1”) of another
8. When fastening into masonry walls,
always drive into horizontal mortar
joints, NEVER into vertical mortar
joints. BE CAREFUL, a poorly laid
joint may permit too much penetra-
tion, and/or unsatisfactory holding