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2.3 Emulator Initial Setup
Set the MCU power supply selection jumper and the P87/XCIN selection switch of the emulator
according to conditions of use.
Figure 2.4 Emulator initial setup
(1) MCU Power Supply Selection Jumper
This is the jumper switch to select power supply to the MCU. As shown in Table 2.4 below, set the
switch according to the connection to the target system. Any settings not listed in Table 2.4 are not
Table 2.4 Setting MCU power supply selection jumper
(2) P87/XCIN Selection Switch
This is the switch to select the function of P87/XCIN pin. As shown in Table 2.5 below, set the switch
according to the usage of P87/XCIN pin.
Table 2.5 Setting P87/XCIN selection switch
selection switch
(Factory-setting: PORT)
MCU power supply selection jumper
(Factory-setting: INT)
Note on Setting Switches and Jumper Switches:•Always shut OFF when changing the setting of the switches and jumper switches,
and connecting the cable.
P87/XCIN selection switch
Set to "PORT"
Set to "XCIN"
Using as a port
Using as XCIN input
Connection to
target system Description
Power of MCU is supplied from the emulator.
Operating voltage: 3.3 V
Power of MCU is supplied from the target system.
This emulator consumes max. 500 mA of electrical
current from the target system.
MCU power supply
selection jumper
Set to "INT"
(Do not set to "EXT")
Set to "EXT"
(Do not set to "INT")
Not connected