7. Precautions

Caution to Be Taken for This Product:

z When connecting the YQPACK080SD, be sure to use the included YQ-GUIDE's.
z Do not use the screws included with the YQPACK080SD to fix it.

Notes on This Product:

z We cannot accept any request for repair.
z For purchasing the NQPACK080SD-ND, YQPACK080SD, HQPACK080SD and YQ-GUIDE, contact the
Daimaru Kogyo Ltd. http://www.daimarukogyo.co.jp/
Tokyo Eletech Corporation http://www.tetc.co.jp/e_tet.htm
z For inquiries about the product or the contents of this manual, contact your local distributor.
Renesas Tools Homepage http://www.renesas.com/en/tools

8. Correspondence of Connectors J1 and J2

Table 2 Correspondence of the Connectors
Pin No. IC1 Pin No. IC1 Pin No. IC1 Pin No. IC1
J1-1 63 J1-26 NC J2-1 79 J2-26 23
J1-2 64 J1-27 39 J2-2 80 J2-27 24
J1-3 65 J1-28 40 J2-3 1 J2-28 25
J1-4 66 J1-29 41 J2-4 2 J2-29 26
J1-5 67 J1-30 42 J2-5 3 J2-30 27
J1-6 68 J1-31 43 J2-6 4 J2-31 28
J1-7 69 J1-32 44 J2-7 5 J2-32 29
J1-8 70 J1-33 45 J2-8 6 J2-33 30
J1-9 NC J1-34 46 J2-9 7 J2-34 NC
J1-10 NC J1-35 47 J2-10 8 J2-35 NC
J1-11 NC J1-36 48 J2-11 9 J2-36 NC
J1-12 NC J1-37 49 J2-12 10 J2-37 NC
J1-13 NC J1-38 50 J2-13 11 J2-38 NC
J1-14 NC J1-39 51 J2-14 12 J2-39 NC
J1-15 NC J1-40 52 J2-15 13 J2-40 NC
J1-16 NC J1-41 53 J2-16 14 J2-41 NC
J1-17 NC J1-42 54 J2-17 15 J2-42 NC
J1-18 31 J1-43 55 J2-18 16 J2-43 71
J1-19 32 J1-44 56 J2-19 17 J2-44 72
J1-20 33 J1-45 57 J2-20 18 J2-45 73
J1-21 34 J1-46 58 J2-21 19 J2-46 74
J1-22 35 J1-47 59 J2-22 20 J2-47 75
J1-23 36 J1-48 60 J2-23 21 J2-48 76
J1-24 37 J1-49 61 J2-24 22 J2-49 77
J1-25 38 J1-50 62 J2-25 NC J2-50 78
(NC: No connection)