Rev. 5.00, 09/03, page 3 of 760
Item Features
Cache memor y • 16-kbyte cache, mixed instructi on/d ata
• 256 entries, 4-way set associative, 16-byte block length
• Write-back, write-through, LRU replacement algorithm
• 1-stage write-back buffer
• Max imum 2 ways of the cache can be loc ke d
controller (INTC) • 23 external interrupt pins (NMI, IRQ5–IRQ0, PINT15 to PINT0)
• On-chip peripheral interrupts: set priority levels for each module
User break
controller (UBC) • 2 break channels
• Addresses, data values, type of access, and data size can all be set as break
• Supports a sequential break function
Bus state
controller (BSC) • Ph ysic al address space divided into six areas (a rea 0, areas 2 to 6), each a
maximum of 64 Mbytes, with the following features settable for each area:
Bus size (8, 16, or 32 bits)
Number of wait cycles (also supports a hardware wait function)
Setting the type of spac e enables dire ct connection to SRAM,
Synchronous DRAM, and burst ROM
Supports PCMCIA interface (2 channels)
Outputs chip select signal (CS0, CS2–CS6) for corresponding area
• Synchronous DRAM refresh function
Programmable refresh interval
Support self-refresh mode
• Synchronous DRAM burst access function
• Usable as either big or little endian machine
Interface (UDI) • E10A emulator support
• JTAG-compliant
• Realtime branch address trace
• 1-kB on-chip RAM for fast emulation program execution
Timer (TMU) • 3-channel auto-reload-type 32-bit timer
• Input capture function
• 6 types of counter input clocks can be sel ect ed
• Maximum resolution: 2 MHz
Realtime clo ck
(RTC) • Built-in clock, calendar functions, and alarm functions
• On-chip 32-kHz crystal oscillator circuit with a maximum resolution (interrupt
cycle) of 1/256 second