SD001051 2DH
Connection Guide
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any form without the written permission of ROLAND CORPORATION.
When connecting the SA-1000 with other equipment, be sure to read
the owner's manuals for the SA-1000 and each device being connected.
Turn O the Power to All DevicesKeyboard to
be connected
Adjust the VolumeTurn down the VOLUME knobs on all devices being connected to lower the
volume completely, then turn o their power.
SA-1000's Control Panel
First, raise the keyboard's volume, then increase the SA-1000's INPUT
VOLUME settings.
Raise the keyboard's volume to 60
70% of the
maximum level. However, if speakers are
connected, set the volume to a listenable level.
Turn all VOLUME knobs to MIN Turn o the power
Also lower the VOLUME on the keyboard you're connecting
to the minimum level, then turn o the power. Be sure to
refer to the owner's manual for the keyboard you're
connecting before carrying out this procedure.
If using Stereo Link, the settings for the MASTER section of
both SA-1000s need to be set so they match.
Raise the volume to 60%
of the maximum level.
Adjust the overall volume level
with the MASTER VOLUME knob.