Wa r r a n t y : This Russell Hobbs® pr oduct is warranted by Salton, Inc. to be f ree from defects i n materials or
workmanship for a per iod of (1) year from the original purchase date. This product wa rranty covers only t he
original consumer purchase r of the product.
Warranty Coverage: This warranty is void if the product has been damaged by accident i n shipment,
unreasonable use, misus e, neglect, improper ser vice, commercial use, r epairs by unauthorized personnel,
normal wear and tear, imp roper assembly, installation or maintenance abuse or other causes not arising out
of defects in mat erials or workmanship. Thi s warranty is effective only if the pro duct is purchased and
operated in the USA, and does not extend to any units which have been used in violation of written
instructions furnished w ith the product or t o units which have been altered or modified or to damage to
products or parts th ereof which have had the serial number re moved, altered, defaced or rendered illegible.
D U R ATION TO ONE (1) YEAR FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE. Some states do no t allow limitations on how
long an implied warranty lasts, so the ab ove limitation may not apply to you.
Warranty Performance : During the above one-year warranty period, a product with a d efect will be
either repaired or r eplaced with a recondit ioned comparable model (at our option) when the product is
returned to the Repai r Center, or the purchase price refunded. The repaired or replacement product will be
in warranty for the balance of the one-year warranty period and an additional one-month period. No charge
will be made for su ch repair or replacemen t.
Service and Repai r: Should the applian ce malfunction, you sh ould first call tol l-free 1 (800) 233-9054
between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm Central Standard Time a nd ask for CONSUMER SERVICE stating
that you are a consu mer with a problem. Please refer to mo del number RHNPC400 w hen you call.
I n - Warranty Service (USA ): For an appliance covered under the war ranty period, no charg e is made for
service or postage. Call for return author ization (800) 233-9054.
Out-of Warranty Servic e: A flat rat e charge by model is made for out-of-warrant y service. Include
$12.00 (U.S.) for ret urn shipping and ha ndling. We will notify you by mail of the amount of the ch arge for
service and require y ou to pay in advance for the repair or r eplacement.
For Products Purchase d in the USA , but Used in C anada: You may return the product insured,
packaged with sufficient protection, and post age and insurance prepai d to the USA addre ss listed below.
Please note that all customs duty / brok erage fees, if any, must be paid by you an d we will require you to pay
the cost of customs duty / brokerage fees to us in advance of our performing any service.
Risk During Shipm ent: We cannot assume responsibility for los s or damage during i ncoming shipment.
For your protection, c arefully package the product for shipment a nd insure it with the carrier. Be sure to
enclose the following items with your applian ce: any accessories re lated to your problem, your full return
address and daytime p hone number, a note describ ing the problem you experienced, a copy of your sales
receipt or other pr oof of purchase to d etermine warranty status. C.O.D. shipments cannot be accepted.
To re t u rn the appliance, s hip to: To contact us, please write to, call, or ema il:
ATTN: Repair Center Salton, Inc.
Salton, Inc. P.O. Box 7366
708 South Missouri Street Columbia, MO 65205-7 366
Macon, MO 63552 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 3 3 - 9 0 5 4
E-mail: Salton@Saltonusa. com
Limitation of Rem edies: No representative or person is authori zed to assume for Sal ton, Inc. any other
liability in connection with the sale of o ur products. There s hall be no claims for defects or failure of
performance or product f ailure under any theory of tort, contract or commercial law inc luding, but not
limited to negligence, gross negligence, stric t liability, breach of w arranty and breach of contract. Repair,
replacement or refund s hall be the sole remedy of the purcha ser under this warranty, a nd in no even t
shall Salton be liable for any incidental or c onsequential damages, losses or exp enses.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incide ntal or consequential damages, so the above
limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
Legal Rights: This warranty gives you s pecific legal rights, and you may also h ave other rights which vary
from state to state .
For more information o n Salton products: vi sit our website: w w w. e S a l t o n . c o m
©2002 Salton, Inc. All rights reserved. P/N 61119
Made in China 8 / 0 2
4 QuartElectric Pressure Cooker