Front Panel Controls and Functions
1.Trigger Pads - The four backlit
2.Transport Buttons - The five transport buttons control universal Rewind, Fast Forward, Stop, Play and Record functions (respectively) in the factory default setting. They can also be assigned to control different parameters. If you encounter a stuck (hanging) note, press the Rewind and Fast Forward buttons together to send a Panic command to all ports and channels.
3.Assignable Knobs - The eight knobs send continuous control change data. You can set up to 32 different parameters using the four presets.
4.PROG Button - Press this button to send program change information via the Function keys
5.PRESET Button - Press this button to choose one of the four available presets. Presets are recalled by pressing one of the Trigger Pads. Each preset can have unique parameters assigned to the Trigger Pads, Transport buttons, Assignable Knobs, and Modulation ribbon strip.
6.CC Button - When pressed, the button lights red and the Trigger Pads change from sending note information to control change information.