For maximum comfort, keep your elbows close to your sides and rest your forearms on your lap if you play for a long time.
•You cannot use the
•In either mode, you can use either thumb to set the A, B, R1/R2, C, D, T1/ T2, ANALOG/DIGITAL, or THROTTLE/T1/ T2 switches.
Using the Joystick
The joystick works when the gamepad is set to analog mode (see Step 5 under “Using the Gamepad” on Page 2).
Using the Analog Throttle
The analog throttle (marked THROTTLE) works when the gamepad is set to analog or digital mode (see “Using the Gamepad” on Page 2). To use the analog throttle, set THROTTLE/T1/ T2 to THROTTLE. This disables the T1 and T2 buttons. Then slide the THROTTLE switch to the desired level. To disable the analog throt- tle, set THROTTLE/T1/T2 to T1/T2. This activates the T1 and T2 buttons.
Note: The analog throttle works only with games that support analog mode.CONFIGURING THE GAMEPAD IN WINDOWS 95/98
1.Set the R1/R2 and T1/T2 switches to NOR- MAL.
2.If you want to use the gamepad’s throttle, set the THROTTLE/T1/T2 switch to THROT- TLE.
3.From the Start Menu, select Settings, then click on Control Panel.
4.9.Select the mode you want to use (Analog or Digital), then click on Properties.
10.Highlight the name of the controller you entered in Step 8, then click on Proper- ties.
11.Click on Calibrate then press the control- ler’s buttons to calibrate it.12.If your game uses a throttle control, cali- brate it by alternately pressing T1 and T2 several times (if you set THROTTLE/T1/T2 to T1/T2), or slide THROTTLE back and forth several times (if you set THROTTLE/ T1/T2 to THROTTLE). If your game uses a rudder control, calibrate it by alternately pressing R1 and R2 several times.
13.When you have finished calibrating the gamepad, click FINISH then click TEST. Press the gamepad’s buttons to test it.
Note: During the test, the throttle and rud- der indicators should appear in the center of the two vertical bars. These indicators move up when you press T1 or R1 and move down when you press T2 or R2. Do not press T1 and T2 or R1 and R2 at the same time.
Important:•If you install a game card that works at a different speed after you calibrate your gamepad, you must
Note: Make sure the gamepad is set to the mode you want (digital or analog) before you calibrate it. See Step 5 under “Using the Gamepad” on Page 2.