Editing a photo

Applying Smart Filter eects

Apply special eects to your photos.
1 Rotate the mode dial to .
2 Select .
3 Rotate [Zoom] to the left, and then select a photo.
4 Select Smart Filter an option.
Back Set
Smart Filter : Miniature
Option Description
Normal No eect
Apply a tilt-shift eect to make the subject appear in
miniature. (The top and bottom of the photo will be
Vignetting Apply the retro-looking colors, high contrast, and strong
vignette eect of Lomo cameras.
Cross Filter Add lines that radiate outward from bright objects to
imitate the visual eect of a cross lter.
Fish-eye Distort close objects to imitate the visual eect of a sheye
Classic Apply a black and white eect.
Retro Apply a sepia tone eect.
5 Press [
] to save.