Tools 67
Supported le formats
Your phone supports the following le formats:
Type Supported format
Image bmp, jpg, gif, png, tif, wbmp, agif
Video mp4, 3gp
Music mp3, 3gp, aac, m4a, wma
Sound amr, wav, xmf, imy, midi
doc, docx, pdf, ppt, pptx, txt, xls, xlsx, htm,
html, svp, vbm, vcf, vcs, vnt, jad, jar, crt, der,
svg, swf
Some le formats are not supported depending •
on the software of the phone.
If the le size exceeds the available memory, an
error can occur when you open les.
Insert a visual feature
Open an image to edit.
1 Select the arrow at the bottom right of the screen.
2 Select
3 , , , or .
Select a visual feature (image, emoticon, or clip art), or
4 enter text and select Done.
Move or resize the visual feature and select
5 OK.
Save the edited image with a new le name.
6 My lesLearn to quickly and easily access all of your images,
videos, music, sound clips, and other types of les stored
on the phone or a memory card.