Enter your email address and password for your Samsung account and select Sign in.

Drag the slide bar to the right next to Save.

Select Alert message.

Enter the text message that will be sent to the recipients and select OK.

Add recipients:

Select Create and enter phone numbers manually, including the country code and the + symbol.

Select phone numbers from your contact list by selecting Contacts.

Select Save.

Enter text

You can enter text by selecting characters on the virtual keypad, inputting handwriting on the screen, or speaking words into the microphone.

You cannot enter text in some languages. To enter text, you should change the writing language to one of the supported languages.

››Change the keyboard type

You can change the keyboard type. Select on the system bar and select a keyboard type.

You can also enter text with your voice. Select and a voice input option, according to the language you want to use.

Getting started