››Open multiple pages

You can open multiple pages and switch back and forth between them.





Open the application list and select Internet. Select to open a new tab.

Access another web page on the new tab.

To switch back and forth between currently open tabs, select the title of a tab.

››Bookmark your favourite web pages

If you know the web address of a web page, you can manually add a bookmark.

Add a bookmark

1 Open the application list and select Internet.

2 Enter a web address or a navigate to a web page.

3 Select to bookmark the current web page.

You can also select to bookmark the current web page.

4 Enter a name for the bookmark.

5 Enter the web address for your favourite web page, and then select a bookmark location to add (if necessary).

6 Select OK.

To use bookmark options, select and tap and hold a bookmark:

To open the web page in the current tab, select Open.

To open the web page in a new tab, select Open in new tab.
