
Kies via Wi-Fi

Connect the device to Samsung Kies via a Wi-Fi network.

My device

Lock screen

Change settings for the locked screen.

Screen lock: Activate the screen lock feature. The following options may vary depending on the screen lock feature selected.

Multiple widgets: Set the device to allow use of widgets on the locked screen.

Lock screen widgets:

Favourite apps or Camera: Set the device to show shortcuts for each application or launch the camera application automatically when you swipe panels to the left on the locked screen.

Clock or personal message: Set the device to show a clock or personal message on the locked screen. The following options may vary, depending on your selection.

For a clock:

Dual clock: Set the device to show the dual clock.

Clock size: Change the size of the clock.

Show date: Set the device to show the date with the clock.

Owner information: Enter your information that is shown with the clock. For a personal message:

Edit personal message: Edit the personal message.