16 Operating Your Printer
Quality Tab
On the Quality tab, you can adjust the print quality of your
document by setting resolution. Higher resolution looks better but
takes longer to print and requires more memory. You can also adjust
the Lighten/Darken and contrast for all graphics in your documents.
Output TypeÕs Quality : Each of the selections on the output quality
correspond to a pre-determined halftone is used by the driver. If text is
selected then a halftone that is optimal for text printing is used by the driver.
The normal option uses the new halftone that we have optimized for your
printer engine. Photographic selects a halftone that is optimized for printing
images at a higher quality.
Lighten/Darken/Contrast : When youÕre printing documents that contain
areas of gray, you may find the results you get from the ML-5050G Series
driver can be significantly lighter than from other printer drivers (especially
laser printer drivers). The ML-5050G Series driver corrects output to render
grays more nearly like those you see on your screen; most other drivers do
not. You can use any of the above settings to alter the output to you liking.
For Help on each item, click ? at the top of the dialog box, and then
click the desired item.
Advanced Tab
The options on the Advanced Tab are designed mostly for
troubleshooting application or file specific problems.
Color Documents : Some applications do not recognize the inherent color-
handling capabilities of your ML-5050G Series printer. It is for these
applications that the option Color Document exists. One application that
requires this setting to be on is Microsoft PowerPoint. If you find that you
are not getting correct grays from an application, you should try toggling
this option.
Graphics : MicrosoftÕs specifications for communicating to Windows
printer drivers are sufficiently ÒlooseÓ that different software developers have
invented (or borrowed) special driver ÒescapesÓ (unusual instruction codes).
The set of escapes invented by Micrografx can provide substantial
performance gains. Applications that either require or work better with
Graphics turned on include Lotus Freelance for Windows and most
Micrografx software. In general, if performance when rendering complex
graphics is either very slow, or yields unsatisfactory output, you should try
toggling this setting.
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