
Make a slideshow

You can combine photos to make a slideshow with your favourite photos.

1.In Standby mode, press [ ] Media

Video Editor Make photo movie.

2.Select the photos you want and press <Done>.

3.Use the following options:

• To change the color tone or apply a special effect, press <Options> Effect.

• To insert a photo or a text, press <Options> Insert Insert photos or Insert text clip.

• To change how your slideshow plays from one video clip or photo to the next, press <Options> Transition.

To add audio to your slideshow, press <Options> Narration Insert.

To set the intervals between images, press <Options> Duration.

To change the order of photos, press <Options> Move.

To change the properties for saving the video file, such as image quality, name prefix, and storage location, press <Options> Settings.

4.When you are finished, press <Options> Save.

Make a storyboard

You can combine photos and videos to make a storyboard.

1.From the Video Editor main view, select Storyboard.