

Look up definitions for words while using certain features, such as when browsing webpages.




Tap and hold over a word that you want to look up.

If the word you want to look up is not selected, drag or to select the desired text.

Tap Dictionary on the options list.

If a dictionary is not preinstalled on the device, tap Manage dictionaries next to a dictionary to download it.

View the definition in the dictionary pop-up window.

To switch to the full screen view, tap . Tap the definition on the screen to view more definitions. In the detailed view, tap to add the word to your favourite words list or tap Search Web to use the word as a search term.

Screen capture

Capture a screenshot while using the device.

Press and hold the Home key and the Power key simultaneously. You can view captured images in Gallery.

It is not possible to capture a screenshot while using some apps and features.

Opening apps

On the Home screen or the Apps screen, select an app icon to open it.

To open an app from the list of recently used apps, tap and select a recent app window.

Closing an app

Tap and drag a recent app window to the left or right to close it. To close all running apps, tap CLOSE ALL.