MZN 16 P48 U


Stromversorgungsgerät für

48-V-Phantomspeisung nach DIN45596. An jedes Netzgerät können gleichzeitigzwei Mikro- fone angeschlossen werden.


168 x 120 x 50 mm.


MZA14 P 48 (Art.-Nr.2034)

Zur netzunabhängigen Span- nungsversorgung von einem phantomgespeisten Kondensa-

tormikrofon.Speisung nach DIN45596.

Mit XLR-Buchsen.


KA 7 U





Kabel mit XLR-Steckverbindern

(System Cannon).

Länge: 7,5 m.








Geeignet für alle Sennheiser-

Mikrofone mit XLR-Steckverbin-


dern (System Cannon). Geräte-

seitig 3pol., verschraubbarer

Normstecker (z. B. T 3260001).

Länge: 7,5 m.









T 3260001


Extend of delivery: 1 microphone.

General description

The MKH816 P 48 U 3 is a directional studio microphone with a high directivityfactor. This is highly desirable in the film and TV studio and also outdoors for multipleapplications. The microphone employs the proven RF-principle for low noise, low interference operation. It is designed for 48 V phantom powering.


. High directionality

. Low equivalent sound pressure level

. Rugged and extremely resistant to unfavourable climatic conditions

. High sensitivity

. Allmetal housing withblack finish

Principle of high frequency circuit

The capsule of a RF condenser microphone represents contrary to DC circuits a low impedance. Instead of the high polarisation voltage normally required, the capsule requires only a high frequency voltage of about 10 volts, which is produced bya built-in low-noise oscillator (8 MHz). This principle ensures the micro- phone's high operational reliability, particulary for outdoor recordings in extreme climatic conditions.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Sennheiser-Gesamtkatalog.

Powering and connection

All Sennheiser microphones designated MKH . . . P 48 are 48 V phantom-powered according to DIN 45596.

Either condenser- or dynamic microphones from Sennheiser electronic employ the principle of voltage matching. This "no load condition" has the advantage that neither impedance variations of the microphone output nor of the amplifier input have a noticable

influence on the total perfomance of the system (e. g. frequency response). The source impedance of Sennheiser condenser microphones with phantom powering is extremely low (about 10 V at

1000 Hz) so that the amplifier input impedance has only at least

600 O. This is usual in the majority of cases. Should - however - the input impedance be smaller than 6000, a resistor of appropriate value should be placed in series with the microphone so that it "sees" at least 400 O. The voltage division caused by the series resistor must, of course, be considered. The same method can

be used when higher output impedance of the microphone is demanded. In this case again, aseries resistor can be used to provide correct matching.

Sennheiser condenser microphones produce relatively high output voltages exceeding 1 volt at maximum sound pressure levels. This has the advantage that even with long cables induced interference signals can be disregarded. Also the internal noise produced by the microphone does not contribute to the total noise level. The microphones are fitted with RF filters which ensure that no high frequency signals from the microphone can effect the external circuitry and that the microphone itself is protected from high frequency distur- bance. It is therefore not necessary, even under the most difficult conditions, to take special precautions, such as double screening of the cables or the provision of high frequency filters.