Owner’s Manual
Model PT-7000 7.1 Channel Preamp/Processor/Tuner
Owner’s Manual
AM Antenna
Connect the AM antenna to the terminals labeled AM and E(arth) on the rear
panel of the preamp/processor. Start by pressing the lever on the side of one
of the terminals to the right. Next, insert one of the antenna wires into the
opening. Finish by returning the lever to the up position, securing the wire.
Do the same for the other wire to complete installation.
External Amplier
IMPORTANT NOTE: Before attempting to plug any jacks into any
power amplier verify that the power amplier is turned off and/or
disconnected from the AC mains. Failure to do so can potentially result
in severe damage to your amplier and loudspeakers.
Use the audio jacks labeled OUTPUT to connect the PT-7000 to an external
amplier such as the Sherbourn 7/2100 or 5/5210 Power Amplier. The
PT-7000 can output up to 7.1 channels of sound (seven satellite and one
subwoofer channel) depending on source components and material.
The output jacks supplied by the PT-7000 are: Left Front, Center, Right
Front, Left Surround, Right Surround, Left Surround Back, Right Surround
Back, and Subwoofer.
Be sure to verify that the correct outputs are connected to the appropriate
input jacks (Left Front to Left Front, Right Surround Back to Right Surround
Back, etc.)
When a powered subwoofer is used, connect the Subwoofer output jack to the
Line Input jack on your subwoofer and follow any specic connection and/or
conguration instructions supplied with the subwoofer. If your subwoofer is
a passive speaker, connect the subwoofer output jack on the PT-7000 to
the input of the amplier used to power the subwoofer, and then connect the
subwoofer speaker itself to the amplier.
Second Zone
Use the L and R channel ZONE OUT audio jacks to connect the PT-7000 to
the analog audio inputs of an external amplier or other audio component in
a second zone. The signal present will reect the input selection of the PT-
7000. This may be adjusted using the Zone Menu or the MULTI button on the
remote control.
Power Control Connections
The DC TRIGGER jacks are used to remotely turn-on other devices in your
system when the PT-7000 is powered on. Power is applied to the MAIN Trig-
ger Output jack when the PT-7000 is turned on from the Standby Mode. We
recommend that this jack be used to turn on a compatible power amplier such
as those available from Sherbourn, but it may also be used to activate compatible
products such as projection screens or motorized blinds.
Connect a 3.5mm mono mini-plug between the DC Trigger MAIN jack on the
rear panel of the PT-7000 and the low voltage trigger jack of the device to be
controlled to enable remote turn-on of that component. The ZONE Trigger jack
is activated when the Multiroom system is turned on and should be used for
control of ampliers used to power the speakers installed in the remote zone.
It will remain activated as long as the Multiroom system is on, even when the
PT-7000 is in the Standby mode for the main room.
Remote Control
The EXT REMOTE jacks allow you to extend the on-board remote control
sensor on the PT-7000’s front panel so that you may continue to control the
PT-7000 even when it is installed behind solid or smoked cabinet doors or when
the front panel sensor is otherwise not visible to the remote control.
To extend the remote sensor connect an optional remote sensor to the MAIN
The ZONE jack is provided to enable remote control of the PT-7000’s mul-
tizone system through the use of an optional remote sensor in the second
zone. Connect the sensor to the ZONE jack using a 3.5mm mono mini-plug
and the wiring specied by the sensor’s manufacturer.
Power Connection
Insert the supplied power cord into the AC input of the rear panel of the
preamp/processor. Do not use a power cord other than the one supplied with
the PT-7000. It’s designed for use with the PT-7000 and should not be
used with any other device.
Before you plug the power cord into an AC wall outlet,
confirm that all connections to the preamp/processor have been
made correctly.
Never disconnect the power cord from the PT-7000
while the other end is plugged into an AC outlet. Doing so may cause
an electric shock. Always connect power by plugging into the AC out-
let last and disconnect by unplugging from the AC outlet first
Connecting Your Model PT-7000