Message (SMS) | 31 |
Text entry with "T9"
"T9" deduces the correct word from the individual key entries by making comparisons with an extensive dictionary.
§Menu§ ( Setup ( T9 input
(Select a function.
T9 English
Activate Intelligent text entry or de- activate it.
Automatically display choices of characters typically used for pairs
Chinese Input
You may set maximum 2 Chinese input methods to be used for entering messages.
T9 Bo Po Mo Fo
T9 Pinyin
Create a word using T9
Since the display changes as you proceed it is best if you finish a word without looking at the display.
You simply press the keys where the relevant letter is located once only.
For "hotel" for example type:
4 6 8 3 5
1Press.word. A blank ends a
* Press repeatedly before the word for lowercase letters/uppercase let- ters, digits or special characters.
Do not use special characters such as Ä but write the standard charac- ter, e.g. A. T9 will do the rest for you see p. 33.
*Press briefly: Switch between uppercase, lowercase letters and digits.
Hold down: Set input lan-
1 guage and text mode. Blank. Ends a word.
0 Full stop. Ends a word when a blank follows. Acts as a wild- card character for an apostro- phe/hyphen in the word:
e.g. §provider.s§ = provider’s. N Go to the right. Ends a word.
#Deactivate T9 temporarily and activate it again.
Special characters
Press key repeatedly until the character is displayed. To write special characters after
numbers (e.g. 5 £), switch to the letter mode | |||||
first: * |
1 Blank | 1 | € £ | $ | ¥ | ¤ |
0 . | , | ? ! | 0 | + |
¡ “ ’ ; _
* * / ( ) < = > % ~
# # @ \ & § Γ ∆ Θ Λ