
Download melody

You can download melodies from the website and save these.

Receive melody

A melody can be sent to your phone via SMS or WAP.

When a melody has been received an icon appears above the left soft key.

Press this key to start the melody.


Compose melody




Compose melody




Surf & fun


Melody manager


Compose melody

You can also compose one-voice melodies yourself.

§Select Press to select from the three "My Music“loca- tions, then select Melody Edit. "Main title" or "Sec- ondary title" can be selected and edited individ- ually.

Key in the musical alpha- bet. The keys 1 to 7 represent the notation of C, D, E, F, G, A, H in order.

Press 8 to repeat the note highlighted. Press 9 to add dot into highlighted note.

Press 0 to add one rest note.

Press * to modify note or rest into prefer beats.

Press # to modify compass of note.

§Options§ Press and then

for example

Tempo set the playback tempo


Select Instrument

play the melody with another instrument

and then

§Save select to save the composed melody.