No. Signal Name I/O Pull- PIN
No. Comment
PHY1 and PHY2
196 P1SDxN I F19 Port1 FX differential SD input
197 P1SDxP I G19 Port1 FX differential SD input
198 P1TDxN O C22 Port1 FX differential transmit
199 P1TDxP O C21 Port1 FX differential transmit
200 P1RDxN I E21 Port1 FX differential receive input
201 P1RDxP I E22 Port1 FX differential receive input
202 P1VSSATX2 I K18 Analog port GND supply
203 P1TxP B J22 Port1 differential transmit output
204 P1TxN B J21 Port1 differential transmit outpu t
205 P1VSSATX1 I K17 Analog port GND supply
P1RxP B G21 206 Port1 differential receive input
207 P1RxN B G22 Port1 differential recei ve input
P1VSSARX I J17 Analog port GND supply 208 P1VDDARXTX I J19 Analog Port Tx/Rx 1.5 V supply 209 GND33ESD I H18 Analog test GND supply 210
211 VDD33ESD I F22 Analog test 3.3 V supply
212 DGND2 I G17 Digital GND supply
213 DVDD2 I H19 Digital 1.5 V supply
DVDD1 I G18 Digital 1.5 V supply 214 DGND1 I H21 Digital GND supply 215
1.5.9 Power Supply
No. Voltage
Signal Name I/O PIN No. Comment
Power Supply
216 PLL_AVDD P E12 PLL analog, 1.5 V
217 PLL_AGND P F13 PLL analog GND
218-238 VDD Core P D6, D9, D12, D18, E5, E13, E18, F6,
F17, L4, R2, T21, U6, U8, U17, V4, V5,
V18, W13, W17, AA15
SV Core 1.5 V (21 pins)
239- 253 GND Core P A21, E6, E11, E17, F5, F7, F16, G6, L5,
T6, U16, V6, V11, V14, AA22 GND CORE (15 pins)
P 254-267 VDD IO SV IO 3.3 V (14 pins) A2, A9, A10, A14, A1 8 , B22, H1, N1,
W22, Y1, Y22, AB9, AB15, AB20
P 268-281 GND IO GND IO (14 pins ) A8, A12, A20, B1, B21, E10, F8, F15,
J1, T1, U5, U7, U15, V17
P 282-285 VDDQ (PECL) D21, D22, R19, V21 SV Q PECL 3.3 V (4 pins)
P 286-288 GND (PECL) F18, T18, T19 GND IO (PCI) (3 Pins)
Not Used Pins (16 Pins)
289-304 Not Used Pins E19, F21, H17, J18, K21, K22,
M19, N19, N21, N22, P17, P18, For improved heat dissipation
connect these pint to GND.
However, these pins can also
remain unconnected.
P19, R18, T22, V22
Table 1: ERTEC 200 Pin Assignment and Signal Description
Copyright © Siemens AG 2007. All rights reserved. 19 ERTEC 200 Manual
Technical data subject to change Version 1.1.0