ARM9_CTRL R/W Addr.: 0x4000_2650 Default: 0x0000_1939
Description Check of ARM9 inputs that are not accessible from external pins.
This register can only be written to if the Write enable bit is set in the ARM9_WE register. This
register can only be changed for debugging purposes!
Bit No. Name Description
31:14 Reserved Reserved
1: ARM9 processor clock runs freely
0: ARM9 processor clock is paused by a Wait-for-Interrupt.
11 DBGEN DBGEN: Enable of embedded ARM9 debugger
1: Debugger is enabled.
0: Debugger is disabled.
10 MICEBYPASS MICEBYPASS: Bypass of TCK synchronization to the ARM9 clock.
0: TCK is synchronized to ARM 9 clock
1: TCK is not synchronized to ARM 9 clock
INITRAM: Indicates whether the TCMs are enabled after a (SW) reset.
1: TCMs enabled
0: TCMs disabled
This bit is only reset by the external RESET_N reset. SW and watchdog
resets have no effect on this bit.
8:0 SYSOPT[8:0] ETM-Option SYSOPT(8:0): Indicates the implemented ETM options.
Default value: 139H
ARM9_WE R/W Addr.: 0x4000_2654 Default: 0x0000_0000
Description Write access register for the ARM9_CTRL register
Bit No. Name Description
31:1 ---- Reserved
0 WE_ARM9_CTRL Write enable for ARM9_CTL register
1: ARM9_CTRL can be write accessed.
0: ARM9_CTRL is read-only.
ERTEC 200_TAG R/W Addr.: 0x4000_2658 Default: 0x0001_01xx
Description Tag number of current ASIC switching state.
Bit No. Name Description
31:24 Reserved Reserved: 00h
24:16 REVISION_ID Revision-ID: 01h
15:8 VERSION_ID Version-ID: 01h
7:0 DEBUG_ID Debug-ID: 18h
PHY_CONFIG R/W Addr.: 0x4000_265C Default: 0x0000_0000
Description Configuration of PHY1 and PHY2
Bit No. Name Description
31:17 reserved
16 PHY_RES_SEL 0: PHY reset connected to chip reset like IRTE
1: PHY reset connected to IRTE output reset_phy_n 1
15 :14 Reserved
13 P2_AUTOMDIXEN 1: Enable AutoMDIX state machine
0: Disable AutoMDIX state machine
1 If CONFIG(6,5,2)=“111“ Bit not writeable, fix to default value.
Copyright © Siemens AG 2007. All rights reserved. 62 ERTEC 200 Manual
Technical data subject to change Version 1.1.0