TC12 Installation, Commissioning & Maintenance Handbook
Issue 1 - First formal issue
Issue 2 - Significant changes this issue are listed below:
Table 3 and Table 6 Modem PCB and OTU PCB Receive threshold switch settings
for –39 dBm and –33 dBm were reversed in issue 1.
Instation recommended spares, PSU PCB and PSU added.
Modem PCB, Transformer PCB and OTU PCB all have covers - the part numbers
have been corrected.
Section 5 Outstation Test Set - connections have been corrected (Figure 27
updated), there are now 6 cableforms 666/1/22658/000 to 005.
Section on Outstation Test Set Controller Mode - Corrected OTS switch function
and LED indicator function in this mode.
Safety Tests on the TC12 Instation - updated to say that if rack or panel is
removed then earth continuity must be rechecked. PSU PCB OV added to earth
continuity tests.
Safety notes added in various places to state that only authorised/trained
personnel can access behind the doors/panels on the TC12 Instation.
PSU PCB Installation updated to include connection of an earth strap.
OTU Telephone connections updated since cable is terminated in a plug. Note
added about ferrite core being cable tied to stop it moving/interfering.
Instation PC Software Installation section and PC card switch settings updated.
Instation software - IMD information screen, layout of information corrected.
Modem PCB switch settings clarified (Figure (8) and Tables 2,3 and 5)
Paragraph added to Modem PCB section to clarify IMD distribution module
LMU Information Expanded and corrected:
Red Lamp monitoring has not been approved by the Department of
transport and should not be used.
Maximum Number of signal heads for current transformers updated,
including information on 50-0-50 operation.
Voltage sensors can only be used down to first dim tap when monitoring
50-0-50 supplies.
LMU input 24 is commoned with the ZXO (voltage monitor input).
Section added on the number of current and voltage sensors required.
Section added showing examples of LMU handset configuration.
Section added on LMU Commissioning.
Handset commands updated - GSA, GUD, GDI, KDI, KMS, KFD, KAD, KPT,
New handset commands added - KLV and GLT.
Issue 3 - Significant changes for this issue listed below.
Section 6 added, contains details of the Integral OTU - Export only.
Handset commands for High Occupancy software (HIOCC) added:
New functions for HIOCC added to GRL command.
Setting up the 600R / High Impedance switch. Instructions now allow for Multi-drop
line configuration. Agreement with BABT or other line supplier to be sought before
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