TC12 Installation, Commissioning & Maintenance Handbook
Connector PL1
The 24-way cable connects the top header (PL1) on the Modem PCB to four 25-
way 'D' con ion pane
nnecto el
nnecto el
nnecto nel
nnecto anel
Note: Once installed the 24-way cables should be tagged with a number 1-4
corresponding to the modem PCB number for future identification.
The IMD distribution modules are positioned on the hinged panel with D-type
connectors 1, 5, 9 and 13 along the top row and D-types 4, 8, 12 and 16 along the
bottom row (the numbers are printed alongside the D-types on the IMD distribution
module). The ribbon cables from the IMD distribution modules therefore point back
towards the hinged side of the plate. The 24-way cable with four D-types (from a
modem PCB connections detailed above) can be cable tied along the bottom of
the hinged panel, with the D-type with the shortest wires (i.e. the D-type closest to
the berg connector at the other end) connected to the bottom D-type on the IMD
distribution panel, and the D-type with the longest wires connected to the D-type at
the top of the IMD distribution panel.
Connector PL3
onnector PL3 is used to connect to transformer boards in a system where
ansformer boards are used (see section
Connector PL3 connects via a special cable to directly to the MDF in a system
nectors on the IMD distribut l, as follows:
Modem PCB 1 -> 'D' co
Modem PCB 2 -> 'D' co rs 1-4 on the distribution pan
rs 5-8 on the distribution pan
Modem PCB 3 -> 'D' co rs 9-12 on the distribution pa
Modem PCB 4 -> 'D' co rs 13-16 on the distribution p
transformer boards are not used (see Figure 14).
666/HE/43100/000 Page 29 Issue 9