TC12 Installation, Commissioning & Maintenance Handbook Active tasks, RX/TX packets and time events, Key to Press 'A'
e Instation is required, however it is possible to see if one
articular task or time event is running more often than is normal or using up more
as if viewing a
onochrome screen, however notes are made alongside to state what the colour
would be if a colour display were employed.
dot . is a single 400th of a second time period
a is
ve 5.
This screen, as its name suggests, shows the processes going on within the
Instation against time, each dot represents 400ths of a second and the screen
shows processes in any one second. For its full understanding a good working
knowledge of th
time than normal.
The graphical representation noted below are described
Meanings of the graphics
Inverse video blocks (brown) Indicate time events during which for example dat
output to TC8 OTUs. Digit above indicates time spent on event, should not
normally go abo
It should be within the following bounds
It can be in yellow area
It should be in the red or green area as shown below
s into the blue area it will be rejected and not acted upon.
area |........|........|.......... end of 4th line
If it goe
17 dots
3rd line .................| Start of yellow area........
8 dots 8 dots 10 dots
4th line ...continuation of yellow
Characters 0 to C indicates task with the following significance
1 second timer update task, not normally visible.
Indicates a packet received from the host UTC TCC via
the Ethernet, usually on bottom line of those displayed
Indicates a packet transmitted to the host UTC TCC
and right hand corner.
normally on top line of display
B= High priority message received from the host UTC TCC ready for
A= Input from IMD usually reply data and process ready to transmit as
a packet back to host UTC TCC.
9= Message ready received across Ethernet from host/UTC TCC.
This is then distributed as necessary to High and Low priority
message tasks and configuration message task.
8= Not Used
666/HE/43100/000 Page 54 Issue 9