TC12 Installation, Commissioning & Maintenance Handbook Input/Output Cabl
Connect the Input/Output Cable (part number 667/1/22693/000) to 40-way
ector PL2 and onnector PL4.
ote. When pushing the connectors into PL2 and PL4 the OTU PCB must
be supported from underneath to stop the board from bending and
possible damage being caused.
Refer to Drawing 667/GA/22693/000 for wire colours of particular inputs and
outputs (inputs are labelled R1, R2, etc. and outputs are labelled C1, C2, etc.).
Figure 25 and Figure 26 show the pin out of input conne PL4)
he PCB.
puts - Each o wires. It does t matter whi se are
nected. Outp ransmit Confirm (labelled TC) extend from the
er multi-cor d 11 on the drawing). Outputs 9 to 16 extend from
thinner multi- elled 10 on rawing).
ts - Inputs 1 m the thicker multi-core cable (labelled 11 on the
ing). Inputs from the thinner multi-core cable (labelled 10 on
drawing). Th ch of these puts is wire
hite wire from lticore cable is paired with one end of a looped
e wire. This uld be connected together to provide the ground
ne of the in er input grounds are formed by the looped white
vidual wires 7 to 24 directly from the 40-way Berg connector
fer to cable d inputs are for use with the detectors. A single
dual wires from the 40-way connector.
This should be wired to the input ground of the first detector and 'daisy chained' to
the other detectors.
Individual wires also provide inputs 25 to 32 directly from the 40-way Berg
connector (Refer to cable drawing).
Inputs on 40 way connector PL2 are also used to connect voltage sensors when
these are required for lamp monitoring (see section 3.2.5).
The inputs conform to MCE0141, i.e. an impedance of less than 250 ohms to
ground will deactivate the input and an impedance of greater than 100K to ground
will activate the input.
conn 34-way c
the ctor (PL2) and (
on t
Out utput has two no c eh way round th
thick uts 1 to 8 and T
e cable (labelle
the core cable (lab the d
Inpu to 8 extend fro
draw 9 to 16 extend
the e ground for ea 16 in d as follows:
A w the thicker mu
whit pair of wires sho
for o puts. Fifteen oth
Indi provide inputs 1
white ground wire is included with the indivi
rawing). These
666/HE/43100/000 Page 72 Issue 9