TC12 Installation, Commissioning & Maintenance Handbook
PCB Mounting plate
PCB Frame
R eack Cross m mbers
ack Side pl e
R at
Case of power
ower supply 0 V (pin 4 on OTU PSU 14-way connector, see Figure 18).
that may have been attached to the
ake sure that ation is not connected to the mains but that all fuses are
place and that co
Make sure that the Outstation mains plug
Set the insulation meter to 1000 V DC.
Connect the LIVE
All earthed points on any other equipment
OTU mechanics.
Insulation Resistance Test Procedure
Safety Note
should take care that they do not come into contact with the high
voltages generated by the Test Instrument.
the OutstM
in the PCB is nnected. is fully pushed into the Outstation mains
an EUTRALd N of the Outstation mains wire together.
Connect the meter to measure between the Outstation mains wire EARTH and the
combined LIVE and NEUTRAL.
Allow the meter readi to settle during the tes
he insulation resistance should be not less than 10 MOhm.
C e
Note: If the s
back up again.
Configure the Outstation using a handset terminal connected to the 25-way 'D'
type connector, SK1, on the PCB. See section 3.3.3 for an explanation of
commands that need to be entered.
If required the wiring of OTU inputs and outputs (cable 667/1/22693/000) can be
checked as follows:
Checking OTU Output wiring:
Attach a handset to the controller and enter controller handset commands
that display the status of the 16 controller inputs. Attach a handset to the
OTU and enter handset commands to set different output bit patterns on the
OTU outputs. Ensure that the controller inputs displayed on the handset
ng t.
Commissioning Procedure after Power Up
heck that th power LED (LP7) comes on when the Outstation is powered up.
ystem fault LED lights on power up (see section 3.4.1 for LED
ns) then switch the Outstation off. Make sure the lithium battery
on the PCB is in the on position and then power the Outstation
666/HE/43100/000 Page 87 Issue 9