heaters. To minimize the risk of
drawing these lethal gases back into
the hom e please follow the heating
equipment manufact urers saf ety
standards and guidelines. Refer to
NFPA and ASHRAE for additional
Duct Run Calculation
The maximum duct run befor e
effecting the performance of the
hood is 100’. Calculate your duct run
by measuring linear feet and adding
the elbows, transitions and caps
Maximum Run
6” or 3 1/4 x 10” duct 100 FT
Each 90 elbow used 15FT
Each 45 elbow used 9FT
Each 6” or 3 1/4 x 10” duct
Transition used 1FT
Each 3’1/4 x 10” to 6”
Transition used 5FT
Side Wall with damper 30FT
Roof Cap 30FT
E L E C T R I C A LWARNING: All electrical work must
be perf ormed by a qual ified
Please ensure that the appropriate
electrical codes or prevailing local
building codes and ordinances are
adhered to.
Ensure that the electricity supply is
disconnected at source. Do not use
an extension cord or adapter plug
with this appliance.
This appliance must be grounded.
Connect to a properly grounded
branch circuit, protected by a 15
amp circuit breaker.
Electrical Supply
This appliance requires 120V/60Hz,
3amp electrical supply – ensure an
appr opri atel y qu alif ied per son
completes the electrical hook-up.
The conne ction point for the
electrical supply is at the top of the
unit, therefore the electrical supply
must be run down from the ceiling
alongside the ductwork.
All electrical and venting hook-ups
must be in place before commencing
installation of the hood-fan.
based on the table below.
an area of at least 12”x12” between
the ceiling joists using 2x4’s. Allow
for a hole through the center of this
blocking of at least 6” in diameter
through which to pass the ductwork
and electrical cable.
The underside of the hood must not
be closer than 30” from the cook-top
I N S T A L L A T I O NStructural Preparation for the
Hood Fan Installation
The island hood weighs approxi-
mately 125 lbs. It is therefore im-
perative that a substantial structure
is prepared in the ceiling to attach
the range hood to. Ideally block off