BVarious recording

Records images according to shooting conditions (TWILIGHT mode)

Mode dial:

This camera has a preset TWILIGHT mode. This mode is suitable for the night scene.

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1 Set the mode dial to . Allows you to record bright subjects in dark places without losing the dark atmosphere of the surroundings. The shutter speed becomes slower, so we recommend that you use a tripod to prevent shaking.

2 Record the image.

To cancel the TWILIGHT mode

Set the mode dial to .


Set the forced flash when you use the flash in the TWILIGHT mode.

When using the TWILIGHT mode, the AF

illuminator (page 25) emits when the flash mode is set to the forced flash mode.

You cannot record moving images in the TWILIGHT mode.


Under normal recording conditions, the camera automatically makes various adjustments, such as those for the focus, iris, exposure, and white balance, as it shoots. However, you may not be able to carry out your desired shooting depending on shooting conditions. The TWILIGHT mode provides you with near-optimum adjustments to suit your shooting situation.

recording Various B