Below are examples of the functions available when you use Image Data
You can edit RAW images using multiple correction functions, such as tone
curve or sharpness.
You can adjust images using white balance, brightness and Creative Style, etc.
You can save displayed and edited still images to your computer.
There are two ways to save RAW images: save and leave as RAW data or
save in a general-purpose file format.
You can display and compare the RAW images/JPEG images that are shot
with this camera.
You can rank images in five levels.
You can set the color label.

Installing Image Data Converter


Viewing Image Data Converter Guide

For details on how to use Image Data Converter, refer to the Image Data
Converter Guide.

Features of Image Data Converter™

1Download the software from the following URL and

install it on your computer.

1For Windows:
Click [Start] t [All Programs] t [Image Data Converter]
t [Help]t [Image Data Converter Ver.4].
For Mac:
Start Finder t [Applications] t [Image Data Converter]
t [Image Data Converter Ver.4] t In the menu bar,
choose “Help” t Image Data Converter Guide.
For Windows 8, start Image Data Converter Ver.4 t In the menu bar,
choose “Help” t Image Data Converter Guide.
For details on Image Data Converter, you can also refer to the camera’s
“Help Guide” (page 2) or the following Image Data Converter support
page (English only):