I-44 Index
Fine Key Adjust V II-25
Flip Tumble I-37
FM Button I-10, II-34
Formatting USB Flash Drive II-39
Frame In/Out I-26, I-37
Frame Memory II-34
Frame Memory Freeze II-35
Frame Memory Menu
II-34, II-35, II-36
Export II-36
Frame Memory Freeze II-35
Import II-36
Input Freeze II-34
Select II-35
Freezing II-34
Front Panel I-9
FTB Button I-11, II-8, II-54
GPI Input I-42, II-43, II-44
GPI Output I-42, II-43
GPI Output/Tally II-45
GPI/Tally Menu II-44
GPI Input II-44
GPI Output/Tally II-45
On Air Source II-46
Import II-36
Import Config II-38
Import Snapshot II-39
Importing II-36, II-38, II-39
Configuration Data II-38
Image II-36
Snapshot II-39
Information II-54
Input Freeze II-34
Input Reference Signals II-47
Input Signal Indicator I-9, I-22
Input Trim II-31
Key I-28, II-19
Basic Operations II-19
Detailed Adjustments II-20
KEY Button I-10, I-11, I-12, I-29,
I-35, II-19, II-20, II-23
Key DME Wipe II-24
Key DME Wipe Modify Menu II-30
Positioner II-30
Positioner Adjust II-30
Size II-30
Key Edge Type II-25
Key Fill Mat Adjust II-23
Key Fill/Src Select II-23
Key Invert II-24
Key Mask II-25
Key Mask Box H II-25
Key Mask Box V II-25
Key Menu II-23
Border Adjust II-25
Border Matte Adjust II-25
Chromakey Auto Adj II-24
Chromakey Manual Adj II-24
Fine Key II-25
Fine Key Adjust H II-25
Fine Key Adjust V II-25
Key DME Wipe II-24
Key Edge Type II-25
Key Fill Mat Adjust II-23
Key Fill/Src Select II-23
Key Invert II-24
Key Mask II-25
Key Mask Box H II-25
Key Mask Box V II-25
Key Soft Edge II-25
Key Transition II-23
Key Type Select II-23
Key Wipe II-24
Key Wipe Edge II-24
Lin Key Adjust II-23
Lin Key Mode II-24
Lum Key Adjust II-23
Lum Key Mode II-23
Resizer II-23
Key Soft Edge II-25
I-12, II-8, II-20, II-23
Key Transition II-20
Key Type II-21
Key Type Select I-29, I-31, II-23
Key Wipe II-24
Key Wipe Edge II-24
Key Wipe Modify Menu II-29
Aspect II-30
Multi II-30
Multi Adjust II-30
Positioner II-29
Positioner Adjust II-29
Rotation II-29
Rotation Adjust II-29
LCD Backlight II-48
Limiter II-32
Limiter/Compressor II-32
Lin Key Adjust II-23
Lin Key Mode II-24
Linear Key I-28, II-21
Location II-26
Lum I-29
Lum Key Adjust II-23
Lum Key Mode II-23
Luminance Key I-28, I-29, II-21
Manual Chromakey Menu II-28
Chr Key Adjust II-28
Chr Key Window II-28
Chr Key Window Adj II-28
Color Cancel II-28
Color Cancel Adjust II-28
Operations I-11
Viewing I-10
Menu Control Block I-10
Menu Selection Button I-10
EFF Button I-10, II-15
FILE Button I-10, II-37
FM Button I-10, II-34
KEY Button I-10, II-23
MENU1 and 2 Buttons I-10
MISC Button I-10, II-8
SETUP Button I-10, I-17, I-18,
I-19, I-20, II-47
MENU1 and 2 Buttons I-10
Message List II-55
MIC/LINE Level I-22, II-49
MISC Button I-10, II-8
Misc Menu II-8
Color BKGD II-8
Port Enable II-8
Transition Rate II-8
Mix I-26, I-27, I-37, II-20
MIX Button
I-11, I-27, I-29, I-30, II-19
MIX OUT Assign II-33
Knob I-9, I-33
MONITOR SEL Button I-9, I-33
Mosaic I-37
Multi II-17, II-30
Multi Adjust II-17, II-30
Multi Viewer I-23
NAM I-37, II-7
Next Transition Selection Button I-11
BKGD Button I-11, I-12
KEY Button I-11, I-12
Non-Additive Mix II-7
Numeric Buttons (0 to 9) I-12, I-27
Numeric Keypad I-27
Numeric Keypad Block I-12