164 Troubleshooting
a)Disp layed only when setup menu item 016 ALARM DISPLAY is set to
“on” or “limit”.
During thumbnail search, scene selection, and clip list operations
Alarm message in GUI
screen Description/action
Cannot Expand Clip any
Further. The clip cannot be expanded into more blocks.
This appears when the EXPAND button is pressed when the number of block is maximum, or
when the duration of an expanded thumbnail is 1 frame.
Selected Essence Mark does
not Exist. The selected essence mark does not exist.
This appears in the essence mark selection screen when the specified essence mark does not
exist on the disc.
Sub Clip is Invalid.
Set Appropriate IN/OUT
The temporal relationship between the specified In and Out points in sub clip trimming is not
Reset so that the value of the Out point timecode is larger than the value of the In point
Duration of One Clip List
must be Less than 24 Hours. The total duration of the current clip list is greater than 24 hours.
This appears when the total duration of the current clip list exceeds the upper limit of 24 hours as
the result of adding or trimming sub clups.
No More Sub Clips can be
Added to the Clip List. The upper limit of sub clips in the current clip list has been reached.
This appears when the upper limit of 300 clips in a clip list has been reached as the result of
adding or trimming sub clips.
Sub Clip does not Exist. There are no sub clips in the current clip list.
This appears when an attempt is made to move, trim or delete sub clips or preset timecode.
Clip List does not Exist. There are no clip lists on the disc.
This appears when an attempt is made to execute a Delete Clip List operation when there are no
clip lists on the disc.
Move is Invalid. The sub clip cannot be moved.
This appear when an attempt is made to execute a Move Sub Clips operation when there are no
sub clip in the current clip list, or when there is only one sub clip.
Chapter does not Exist. The specified chapter has not been recorded.
This appears when an attempt is made to display a chapter when a chapter has not been
recorded for that clip.
Some Essence Mark cannot
be Deleted. The essence mark cannot be deleted.
This appears when an attempt is made to delete an essence mark that cannot be deleted with a
Delete Essence Mark operation. Rec Start and Cut essence marks cannot be deleted.
Some Essence Mark cannot
be Moved. The essence mark cannot be moved.
This appears when an attempt is made to move an essence mark that cannot be moved with a
Move Essence Mark operation. Rec Start and Cut essence marks cannot be moved.
Clip is Locked. The clip is locked.
This appears when an attempt is made to delete a clip, set the clip thumbnail, or delete a shot
mark when the clip is locked.
All Clips are Locked. All clips are locked.
This appears when an attempt is made to execute a Lock All Clips operation when all clips are
already locked.
All Clips are Unlocked. All clips are unlocked.
This appears when an attempt is made to execute an Unlock All Clips operation when all clips
are already unlocked.
Command Disabled. This appears when an attempt is made to perform Format Disc operation while Disable “Format
Disc” is set to “Disable”.
A File with the Name you
Specified Already Exists.
Specify a Different Name.
This appears when an attempt is made to set an existing clip name while changing the clip name
using Set Clip Name.
Set NAMING FORM to “free” This appears when an attempt is made to change the clip name using Set Clip Name even
though NAMING FORM is not set to “free” (see page109).
“No Flash Drive” This appears when an attempt is made to select “USB Flash Drive” in the media selection
screen under Load Planning Metadata/Select Drive even though the USB memory is not