54 Recording
Chapter 4 Recording and Playback
Recording and Playback
This section describes video and audio recording on the
See page48 “Basic Operations of the Function Menu” in
Chapter3 for more information.
See page121 “Menus” in Chapter 7 for more information
about setup menu operations.
Mixed recording of clips in different
formats on the same disc
As long as the frame frequency group is the same, clips in
different recording formats can be recorded or written to
the same disc. 1)
In this manual, this is referred to as “mixed format
recording mode”.
1)The recordi ng format is regarded as different w henever the system
frequency, video resolution, video codec/bit rate, or number of audio
channels or number of bits does not match.
• Regardless of frame frequency group matching, it is not
possible to mix clips with different video resolutions
(number of system lines) in the same clip list.
When the unit is in a mode that calls for playback across
clips that were recorded in different recording formats,
video and audio playback may stop at the point where
the format changes from one format into another, and
then start again.
• If a transition point between two clips with different
recording formats exists in the preroll segment, that
segment cannot be edited.
Frame frequency groups
The system frequencies supported by this unit are divided
into frame frequency groups, as shown in the following
You can record clips with different recording formats, for
example HD422 and HD420SP clips, by putting this unit
into mixed format recording mode.
To enable mixed format recording mode
Set maintenance menu item M390: MIXED REC to
“ENABLE” (see page145).
If you want to disable mixing of clips with different
recording formats, leave this item set to “DSABL”.
However, regardless of the mixed format recording mode
setting, it is always possible to mix clips in the following
format groups.
• HD420 HQ, SP, and LP
• 1080/59.94i and 1080/29.97P
• 1080/50i and 1080/25P
Preparations for recording
Make the following settings and adjustments before
starting to record.
Video input signal selection: Select with VINPUT on
page P1 VIDEO of the function menu.
Audio input signal selection: Select with A1 INPUT and
A2 INPUT on page P2 AUDIO, from A3 INPUT to
A8 INPUT on page P3 AUDIO of the function menu.
Frame frequency group System frequency
59.94 Hz 59.94P
50 Hz 50P
23.98 Hz 23.98P