Menu List 111
Chapter 6 Menu and Detailed Settings
Makes settings related
to knee correction.
Knee correction is
processing that
prevents washout by
compressing the bright
parts of the video
according to an upper
limit for the dynamic
range of the recorded
and output picture. The
signal level where knee
processing begins is
called the “knee point”,
and the slope of knee
compression is called
the “knee slope”.
Knee On/Off Turns knee correction on or off.
Knee Point 50.0% to 95.0% to
Specifies the knee point.
Knee Slope –99 to ±0 to +99 Specifies the knee slope.
Knee Saturation On/Off Turns the knee saturation function
on or off.
Knee Saturation
–99 to ±0 to +99 Specifies the knee saturation level.
White Clip
Makes settings related
to white clipping
White clipping is
processing that limits
the maximum level of
video output signals.
The maximum video
signal output value is
called the “white clip
White Clip On/Off Turns white clipping adjustment on
or off.
Level NTSC Area is selected
for Country
90.0% to 108.0% to
PAL Area is selected for
90.0% to 105.0% to
Specifies the white clip level.
Menu items Sub-item Settings Description