Menu List
Chapter 6 Menu and Detailed Settings
Multi Matrix
Makes settings related
to multi matrix
Multi-matrix correction
allows specific colors
to be selected for
saturation correction in
a 16-axis hue space.
Multi Matrix On/Off Turns the multi matrix correction
function on or off.
Area Indication On/Off Turns on or off the function that
displays a zebra pattern in the color
area targeted by multi matrix
Color Detection Color detection screen Detects colors targeted by multi
matrix correction.
Axis B/B+/MG–/MG/MG+/
Specifies a color targeted by multi
matrix correction (16-axis mode)
Hue –99 to ±0 to +99 Specifies the hue of the color
targeted by multi matrix correction
for each 16-axis mode.
Saturation –99 to ±0 to +99 Specifies the saturation of the color
targeted by multi matrix correction
for each 16-axis mode.
V Modulation
Makes settings related
to V modulation
V modulation shading
corrects vertical
imbalances in
sensitivity arising from
the relationship
between a lens and
V Modulation On/Off Turns V modulation shading on or
Master V
–99 to ±0 to +99 Specifies the master V modulation
R V Modulation –99 to ±0 to +99 Specifies the V modulation level of
R signals.
G V Modulation –99 to ±0 to +99 Specifies the V modulation level of
G signals.
B V Modulation –99 to ±0 to +99 Specifies the V modulation level of
B signals.
Low Key Saturation
Makes settings related
to low key saturation
You can correct the
saturation of colors in
dark parts of the video
Low Key Saturation On/Off Turns low key saturation correction
on or off.
Level –99 to ±0 to +99 Specifies the saturation of colors in
low luminance areas.
Range Low/L.Mid/H.Mid/High Specifies the luminance level for
which low key saturation is enabled.
Noise Suppress
Makes settings related
to noise suppression
(noise compression).
You can effectively
suppress noise
components while
preserving fine edge
components in the
Noise Suppress On/Off Turns noise suppression on or off.
Menu items Sub-item Settings Description