Important Notes on Operation
About the LCD panels
LCD panels are manufactured with extremely
high-precision technology that yields effective
pixel rates of 99.99% or higher. However, very
rarely, one or more pixels may be permanently
dark or permanently lit in white, red, blue, or
This phenomenon is not a malfunction. Such
pixels have no effect on the recorded data, and the
camcorder may be used with confidence even if
they are present.
Phenomena specific to CMOS image sensors
The following phenomena that may appear in
images are specific to CMOS (Complementary
Metal Oxide Semiconductor) image sensors.
They do not indicate malfunctions.
White flecks
Although the CMOS image sensors are produced
with high-precision technologies, fine white
flecks may be generated on the screen in rare
cases, caused by cosmic rays, etc. This is related
to the principle of CMOS image sensors and is
not a malfunction.
The white flecks especially tend to be seen in the
following cases:
• when operating at a high environmental
• when you have raised the master gai n
• when operating in Slow-Shutter mode
The problem may be alleviated by executing
automatic black balance adjustment.
When fine patterns, stripes, or lines are shot, they
may appear jagged or flicker.
If recording is made under lighting produced by
discharge tubes, such as fluorescent, sodium, or
mercury-vapor lamps, the screen may flicker,
colors may vary, or horizontal stripes may appear
In such cases, set the flicker-reduction function to
auto mode (see page125 ).
If the frame rate selected for recording is close to
the power-supply frequency, flicker may not be
reduced sufficiently even if you activate the
Flicker-Reduction function. In such cases, use the
electronic shutter.
Focal plane
Owing to the characteristics of the pickup
elements (CMOS image sensors) for reading
video signals, subjects that quickly move across
the screen may appear slightly skewed.
Flash band
The luminance at the top and bottom of the screen
may change when shooting a flashlight beam or a
light source that quickly flashes.
You can use the XDCAM EX Clip Browsing
Software to correct clips that contain frames with
flash bands.
Note on data compatibility with other XDCAM EX-
series products
When you use a PMW-EX1/EX3/EX30 to play
materials recorded on the camcorder, any media
in which clips of formats not supported by the
PMW-EX1/EX3/EX30 have been recorded
cannot be used.
If pictures cannot be recorded/reproduced
properly, try formatting the recording medium.
While repeating picture recording/playback with
a certain recording medium for an extended
period, files in the medium may be fragmented,
disabling proper recording/storage. In such a
case, make a backup of clips in the medium then
perform formatting of the medium using
OPERATION >Format Media (see page97) in
the setup menu.