Thumbnail Operations
Chapter 5 Clip Operations

You can use the THUMBNAIL menu to perform various operations on clip s, to check clip properties, and

to change clip metadata.

a)HD mode only
Thumbnail Operations

THUMBNAIL Menu Configuration

Menu items Sub-items Description
Clip Properties Displays detailed properties (see page 86)
Set Index Picturea) Changes index pictures in the expand thumb nail screen or
the shot mark thumbnail screen (see page 90)
Thumbnail View Forward Expansion • Displays the expand thumbnail screen (see page 88)
• In the expand thumbnail screen, increases the number of
divisions (see page89)
Back Expansion In the expand thumbnail screen, decreases the number of
Essence Mark Thumbnaila) Displays the shot mark thum bnail screen (see page 89)
Clip Thumbnail Displays the normal thumbnail screen
All Clip Thumbnail Displays the all clips thumbnail screen (see page 85)
Set Shot Marka) Add Shot Mark1 In the expand thumbnail screen or the shot mark thumbnail
screen, adds a Shot Mark1 mark (see page 90)
Delete Shot Mark1 In the expand thumbnail screen or the shot mark thumbnail
screen, deletes a Shot Mark1 mark (see page 90)
Add Shot Mark2 In the expand thumbnail screen or the shot mark thumbnail
screen, adds a Shot Mark2 mark (see page 90)
Delete Shot Mark2 In the expand thumbnail screen or the shot mark thumbnail
screen, deletes a Shot Mark2 mark (see page 90)
Add OK Marka) Adds an OK mark and protec ts a clip (see page 87)
Delete OK Marka) Deletes an OK mark and unprotects a clip (see page87)
Copy Clip Copies a clip (see page 87)
Delete Clip Deletes a clip (see page 88)
Divide Clipa) Divides a clip (see page 91)
Filter Clipsa) Displays the OK clip thumbnail screen (see page 85)
Copy All Clips Execute/Cancel Copies all clips (see page88)
Delete All Clips Execute/Cancel Deletes all unprotected clips (see page 88)