Controlling the Monitor Image Using the Java Applet Viewer

When you use an OS other than Windows, such as Macintosh, UNIX and Linux, click Java Applet on the Login page or the Main Viewer page. The Java Applet viewer starts.

The image control section of the Java Applet viewer is located at the bottom.

Image control section

Functions of the image control section


To display the monitor image, click Connect and type the user name and password in the dialog. You can control the monitor image with the access right of the user or the Administrator that you type here.

Click Disconnect to stop transmitting the image from the camera.

Image Size

Selects the image size.

See “Selecting the image size” on page 9.


Selects the image expansion ratio.

See “Expanding the image” on page 9.


Check to display the image in monochrome.

See “Displaying the monitor image in monochrome” on page 10.

Changing the Access

Right Re-login Page

Click Logoff in the menu control section of the viewer, and the Re-login page is displayed.

Use this page when you want to log in the camera again as a user with a different access right or as Administrator.

To log in, type the user name and password, then click Login.

When You Have Trouble

— FAQ Page

Click FAQ in the menu control section of the viewer, and the FAQ page is displayed.

There are answers to frequently asked questions on the FAQ page. Use this page when you have trouble with the camera.

12 Changing the Access Right — Re-login Page / When You Have Trouble — FAQ Page