
Show: Enables or disables the caption display. Click to show the check mark to display the caption. Click it again to remove the check mark to make the caption disappear.

Color: Selects the caption color. Click to show the check mark on White to display the caption with white letters on a black background. Click to show the check mark on Black to display the caption with black letters on a white background.

Focus Area

Use this function when you want to focus on a portion of the monitor image by masking over the other portion. The focused portion is called “focus area.” With masking, the transmitting data size reduces and a higher frame rate is obtained.

New Area: Click to show the check mark to determine a new focus area on the image. Then left-click on the upper-left corner of the focus area you want set, and left- click again on the lower-right corner of the focus area. A new focus area is now set.

Enable Area: Click to show the check mark to enable the predetermined focus area and mask over the non- focus area.

Disable Area: Click to show the check mark to remove the masking and resume the normal image.

Masking Level: Select the masking level from Level 1 to Level 5. A higher masking level gives a larger masking density and higher frame rate.

Image Quality

Selects the image quality from Level 0 to Level 9. A higher level gives a higher quality image but the frame rate becomes lower.


When you click Capture, the monitor image freezes and the “Saving” dialog appears. Type the file name, select the file format, specify the destination to which the file is to be stored, and click Save.

This function is the same as when you click the Capture icon on the image control section. (See “Capturing the monitor image” on page 10.)

Camera Installation Angle

Rotates the monitor image according to the camera angle. Select Normal, 90 deg, 180 deg, or 270 deg from the drop-down list.


The monitor image output from the VIDEO OUT connector (composite output) cannot be rotated.


See “Buttons common to every setting page” on page 14.

Sending Images via E- mail at Alarm

— SMTP Setting Page

When you click SMTP in the menu section, the SMTP Setting page appears.

Use this page to set up for sending monitor images attached to an E-mail.

Recipient Email Address

Type a recipient E-mail address in each box. You can set two E-mail addresses.

Sender Email Address

Type the sender (this unit) E-mail address in the box.


Use Relay-Email-Server

When you want to send E-mails passing through a specified server, select this check box and type the server name in the box.


Displays Base64, the format with which the image data attached to E-mails are encoded.

Email Event

Set the trigger with which you send E-mails. You can select one or more trigger(s) from among Activity Detection (AD), Sensor Input (SI) and Periodic Sending (PS).

Sending Images via E-mail at Alarm — SMTP Setting Page