Sending Images to FTP Server at Alarm

— FTP Setting Page

When you click FTP in the menu section, the FTP Setting page appears.

Use this page to set up for sending monitor images to an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server. You can specify two FTP servers.

FTP Server 1

Set the information of FTP server 1 in the boxes.


Type the host address of FTP server 1.

User ID

Type the user ID for FTP server 1.

User Password

Type the user password for FTP server 1.


Type the default path for FTP server 1.

FTP Server 2

Set the information of FTP server 2 in the boxes.


Type the host address of FTP server 2.

User ID

Type the user ID for FTP server 2.

User Password

Type the user password for FTP server 2.


Type the default path for FTP server 2.

FTP Event

Set the trigger with which you send images to the FTP server(s). You can select one or more trigger(s) from among Activity Detection (AD), Sensor Input (SI) and Periodic Sending (PS).

Activity Detection (AD)

Select this check box to send images to the FTP server(s) when an alarm triggered by the activity detection is output. You can set the time and the frame rate to save images to be sent to the FTP server(s) in the boxes below.

Setting example: To save images during the period of time between 2 seconds before and 2 seconds after the alarm, with a frame rate of 3 fps.

Pre-Alarm Time: Select from the drop-down list the time in seconds you want to save images before an alarm output. (0 to 5 seconds can be set.)

Pre-Alarm Frame Rate: Select from the drop-down list the frame rate with which you want to save images before an alarm output. (1 to 5 fps can be set.) Post-Alarm Time: Select from the drop-down list the time in seconds you want to save images after an alarm output. (0 to 5 seconds can be set.)

Post-Alarm Frame Rate: Select from the drop-down list the frame rate with which you want to save images after an alarm output. (1 to 5 fps can be set.)

Sensor Input (SI)

Select this check box to send images to the FTP server(s) when an alarm triggered by the sensor input is output. You can set the time and the frame rate for saving images in the boxes below.

Pre-Alarm Time: Select from the drop-down list the time in seconds you want to save images before an alarm output. (0 to 5 seconds can be set.)

Pre-Alarm Frame Rate: Select from the drop-down list the frame rate with which you want to save images before an alarm output. (1 to 5 fps can be set.) Post-Alarm Time: Select from the drop-down list the time in seconds you want to save images after an alarm output. (0 to 5 seconds can be set.)

Post-Alarm Frame Rate: Select from the drop-down list the frame rate with which you want to save images after an alarm output. (1 to 5 fps can be set.)

Sending Images to FTP Server at Alarm — FTP Setting Page