
Displays the Schedule setting page.

See “Setting the Schedule — Schedule setting Page” on page 43.

Activity detection

Displays the Activity detection setting page.

See “Setting the Activity Detection Function — Activity detection setting Page” on page 44.


Displays the Pop-up setting page.

See “Showing the Pop-upPop-up setting Page” on page 45.

Buttons common to every setting page

The following buttons are displayed on the setting pages where they are necessary. The functions of the buttons are the same on every setting page.

Click this button to validate the settings.

Click this button to invalidate the set values and return to the previous settings.

Click this button to return to the top of the setting page.

General notes on setting pages

After changing a setting on a setting page, wait at least 10 seconds before turning off the power of the camera. If the power is turned off immediately, the changed setting may not be stored correctly.

When you display the Area setting page or Activity detection setting page, the size of the image on the main viewer page may change for a while. This is not a problem.

Configuring the System— System setting Page

When you click System on the Administrator menu, the System setting page appears.

Use this page to perform the principal settings of the software.

System setting SectionTitle bar name

Type a name to display on the title bar up to 32 characters.

Welcome text

Type a text to show on the welcome page, in HTML format, up to 1,024 characters. Use the <BR> tag for a line break. (A line break is equivalent to 2 characters.)

Serial No.

Displays the serial number of the camera.

Camera the Administrating

Configuring the System — System setting Page