Support Options
DISCover™ My Games™
❑For users in USA and Canada
Web Site http://www.discoverconsole.com
DVgate Plus™ software
Sony Electronics Inc.
Connect a compatible digital video camera to your computer's i.LINK port and capture video clips and still images. Edit clips from your video, add new clips, and combine clips into new movie segments. Save your movies back to your digital video camera or in a variety of popular file formats.
For contacts about the software, see Program Support Information (page 189).
Image Converter 2 Plus
Sony Electronics Inc.
Image Converter 2 Plus allows you to easily convert movie and picture files on your computer to your Memory Stick® media.
For contacts about the software, see Program Support Information (page 189).
Intel® PROSet
Intel Corporation
❑For users in USA and Canada
Web Site http://www.intel.com/network/connectivity/products/wireless/proset/proset_software.htm