Recording / Dubbing
Bi-Directional Dubbing between HDD and DVD (Contd)
Note on the High Speed Dubbing
Duration of the High Speed Dubbing will depend on
the Rec Mode, the length,the disc type of the
material to be dubbed.
High speed Dubbing is available only when dubbing
the titles in the HDD Original List to the VR mode
When dubbing from HDD to DVD (or vice versa),even
if the selected Rec Mode is set to the higher quality
than that of the material to be dubbed,the program will
not be recorded in the higher quality.It only protects
the current picture quality.
You cannot switch the device mode between HDD
and DVD during the bi-directional dubbing between
HDD and DVD.
When you dub a copy-once program from HDD to
DVD,it will be MOVED to the disc (not copied) and
the original data will be erased from the HDD.
Using / , select Dubbing Start.
Press ENTER.
Confirmation window will appear.
Using / ,select Ye s.PressENTER.
Dubbing will start.
Preparing for the dubbing
It may take a while to prepare for the dubbing.
During High Speed Dubbing,the playback picture will
not appear.
To stop the dubbing while in the dubbing preparation mode:
Press the Device Select Button of the recording device first
(for example,if you are dubbing to DVD,press DVD first),
then press STOPC.
To stop the dubbing in progress:
Press the Device Select Button of the recording device first
(for example,if you are dubbing to DVD,press DVD first).
Then press STOPCand hold it for 2 seconds. Or,press
STOPCon the front panel.
Dubbing HDD Dubbing HDD DVDDVD
Dubbing HDD DVDDubbing HDD DVD
1 : 00 :56 (XP)1 : 00 :56 (XP)
Yes NoNo
StarStart DubDubbing?
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